Today is day 33 of the #94in94 campaign. MFCI has accepted the challenge to read and share a TRC Call to Action that we are acting on.
In response to Call to Action #33, we continue to build relationships with Indigenous peoples and communities through projects such as the Looking After Each Other project. This project provides us with teachings, allowing us to incorporate a culturally appropriate informed approach to existing FASD intervention and prevention programs. We also continue to advocate government for more appropriate programs.
Nationally, this Call to Action has been declared “not started”. Currently, there are initiatives for prevention, but it is not new funding.
#33 We call upon the federal, provincial, and territorial governments to recognize as a high priority the need to address and prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), and to develop, in collaboration with Aboriginal people, FASD preventive programs that can be delivered in a culturally appropriate manner.
In Manitoba existing prevention programs include: STAR Program, InSight Mentoring, Mothering Project, and Project Choices among other initiatives.
To read the full report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, go to
For more information about the #94in94 campaign go to
For more information about the Looking After Each Other project go to