Previously Recorded Info Sessions


In case you missed any of our Info Series Sessions live, the Manitoba FASD Coalition is beginning to make recordings of those sessions available here. We will only post sessions that permission has been given by the presenters.

Supporting Regulation Among Children and Youth with FASD

Laura Bennett, Occupational Therapist, speaks about supporting regulation among children and youth with FASD. This session will take a sensory- and brain-based look at regulation: What is it and how can we support children and youth with this difficult skill?

Supporting Regulation, a webinar by the Occupational Therapists at the Rehabilitation Centre for Children.


Strengths-Based Research – Adults with FASD and Their Caregivers

Dorothy Reid and Katy Flanigan of the CanFASD Research Network (CanFASD), as well as Niall Schofield and Lauren Richardson of CanFASD’s Adult FASD Expert Collaboration Team, provide an overview of strengths-based research in FASD and share preliminary findings from projects underway at CanFASD. Throughout the presentation, they discuss the importance of shifting the narrative around FASD to focus more on strengths and successes. They also bridge the connection between lived experience and research and discuss examples and strategies for putting strengths-based approaches into practice.

How You Can Support Healthy Sexual Development and Behaviours in Children and Youth with FASD

This panel discussion focuses on the basics of supporting healthy sexual development and behaviours in children and youth with FASD. This panel presentation includes:

• Carly Thomas, a foster parent, who has worked with sexually exploited youth, collaborated on research in the 2SLGBTQIA* community and works as a counsellor at the FASD Family Support program

• J Fiedler, MSW, has been working with the Sexuality Education Resource Centre for 7 years, facilitating sexuality discussions on various treaty lands across Manitoba. They started their sexual health career supporting people with HIV/Aids.

• Shannon Foster, MSW, RSW, has worked with and supported children, youth, and families with neurodevelopmental disorders such as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) for over 12 years and currently leads a therapy company focused on the use of alternative therapeutic modalities with children and youth with disabilities

Declarative Communication

Kally-Anna Clinton, Registered Speech-Language Pathologist and Certified Relationship Development Intervention Program Consultant, speaks to the use ALL of our communication channels (verbal and non-verbal) to help social learners with using language flexibly, setting and accessing episodic memories, and making decisions. This strategy is targeted at helping guides (caregivers) make a thoughtful shift in the way they communicate during do-together activities to help improve back-and-forth process-focused communication with their child.

Dignity and Spirit of Truth and Reconciliation: Grandmother Debbie Cielen speaks about ways we all can promote Dignity and Spirit of Truth and Reconciliation with all peoples of Manitoba. This presentation explains precontact, historical colonial Canadian history timelines and its impacts on indigenous people today. This presentation also provides ways to promote dignity in the spirit of healing and reconciliation. Original recording March 18, 2022.

Beginning the Conversation: Talking with your Child/Youth about their FASD: It is recognized that conversations with children and youth about their diagnosis of FASD can sometimes be difficult. For this session, three panellists joined us: Grandmother Pahan Pte San Win, Lori Stetina, Parent/Author and Sharon Wazney, Manitoba FASD Centre Social Worker, who shared ways to have respectful conversations with children and youth about their diagnosis of FASD. The focus was on using strength-based strategies to have ongoing conversations with your child/youth about their diagnosis in ways that promote dignity and help build self-esteem. Original recording January 28, 2022.

Wrap-around Support for Pregnant Women and New Mothers Who Use Substances: This presentation describes promising approaches offered by community-based, wrap-around support services, reaching pregnant women and new mothers who use substances and their children. Dr Deborah Rutman shares key approaches offered by eight community-based services located across Canada, evidenced in the Co-Creating Evidence study. Hayley Thomas offers practice wisdom based on her experience as a service provider with Manito Iklwe Kagiikwe – Mothering Project in Winnipeg. Dr. Nancy Poole adds ideas about collaboration with child welfare and how policy values can guide our work, from the Mothering and Opioids toolkit. Recording originated on November 26th, 2021.

The Transition to Adulthood: Working with Adolescents with FASD: Shannon Foster, MSW, RSW, of Red River North Counselling and Therapy Services speaks to the transition to adulthood, focusing specifically on assessment, Community Living disAbility Services, accessing resources in your communities and planning for individual youth. Original presentation June 14, 2021.

Updating Our Conversations About Alcohol and Substance Use: Nancy Poole and Lindsay Wolfson of the Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health focus on being trauma-informed and creating a place of safety, strength and cultural awareness for women to feel comfortable in discussing substance use in pregnancy. Original presentation May 1st, 2020.

Using Attachment and Circle of Security To Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Child or Student: Joanne Brown presented on the importance of attachment in relationships with children or students with FASD. Joanne also reviewed the basic components of Circle of Security. Original presentation February 26, 2021.