As the provincial FASD Coalition in Manitoba, we collaborate with community coalitions across the province to share best practices, raise awareness of FASD, and promote community based FASD awareness activities and events.
Provincial Chairs meeting – Spring of 2024
Interested in joining a coalition in your area? We’d love to have you! Contact information for each coalition is provided. No coalition in your area? Think about starting one. For more information click here.
Regional Coalitions across Manitoba:
Brandon and Area FASD Committee
The Brandon and Area FASD Committee is committed to providing education, promoting awareness about FASD, information sharing and supporting persons directly or indirectly affected by FASD. Committee values include respect, equality, non-judgemental, community and global responsibility, individual strengths and hope. The Committee hosts a number of events throughout the year including an annual celebration of International FASD Awareness Day, lunch and learn events, as well as conferences and workshops. Membership in the Committee is open to all persons from Brandon and surrounding areas who have an interest in FASD. For more information or to become a member, please contact Dean Werbiski,
Cross Lake
The Cross Lake FASD Coalition serves Cross Lake and surrounding area, raising awareness of FASD and supporting those directly or indirectly affected. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in FASD. The Chair of the Coalition is Linda McLeod-McDonald, For more information or to become a member please contact Linda using the email address noted above, or Aurelia McKay, Band/Health Care Worker,
Flin Flon FASD Committee
The Flin Flon FASD Committee is a community based organization made up of service providers, community members and caregivers working to raise awareness of FASD through support and education. We serve the Flin Flon, Creighton, Denare Beach and surrounding areas. Anyone interested in FASD can become a member. For more information or to find out how to become a member, please contact Heather Powell, Flin Flon Primary Care Centre,
Interlake FASD Coalition
The Interlake FASD Coalition members are committed to learning more about FASD and promoting positive awareness in our region. Our members share resources and information and are provided with regular capacity building opportunities. We support an annual educational event for our communities across the Interlake. We also intersect with other FASD agencies, service providers and FASD Coalitions within Manitoba.
Our membership is open to all citizens, colleagues, caregivers and service providers within the Interlake region that desire to gain FASD related knowledge and information. Our members meet five times a year in the city of Selkirk. We offer telecom services for those members to participate that are further North and during inclement weather. For more information on our coalition or to become a member, please contact our co-chair: Sherisse Picklyk Dear,, 353 Eveline Street, Selkirk, MB, R1A 1N1, Cell: (204)-485-0652 or co-chair Jola Hnatiuk, 204-904-7333.
Northeastman FASD Coalition
The Northeastman FASD Coalition was established in 2011 for the purpose of sharing information and resources with those who have an interest in FASD. They also provide some education and training. Membership is open to any adult that lives in the catchment area who has an interest in FASD. For more information or to become a member, please contact: Robin Lurie Sugden, Manitoba Key Worker, Public Health,
NorthFASD is a local community network of diverse individuals from multipole organizations committed to raising awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and is based in Thompson Manitoba. Membership is open to people living or working in Thompson who have an interest in FASD and are willing to support the work of the Coalition. For more information or to become a member please email
Norway House – information to follow
Southeast FASD Coalition
The Southeast FASD Coalition serves the southeast portion of the province and exists to bring people together who have an interest in learning about FASD; educate the public about FASD; and to provide a place where people can connect. Their main goal is to provide professional development/workshops to the general public, caregivers and service providers. Anyone with an interest in FASD can be a member. For more information or to become a member please contact Marijke Vonderbank, or Lisa Balcaen,
South Parkland FASD Collaborative
The vision of the South Parkland FASD Collaborative is to work together to share information, ideas and resources related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. The organization is based in Dauphin, Manitoba and serves the southern part of the Parkland Region. Membership includes people from local agencies that serve the FASD community, as well as community members with an interest in FASD. For more information or to find out how to become a member please contact Twyla Gilroy,
The Pas & Area FASD Committee
The Pas and Area FASD Committee exists to support to the FASD community in their area through sharing of information, training, educational opportunities and FASD events. As a group they plan and facilitate the International FASD Awareness Day celebration every September, which serves to provide education to the general community regarding FASD. Together the Committee focusses on attachment, addiction, social services, adoption and education. They are the ‘bridge’ or connection to the Manitoba FASD Coalition raising awareness of the needs of families in the north. Their membership includes parents, foster parents, service providers, agencies, teachers, Elders, youth and adults who have been diagnosed with FASD and members of the RCMP, who all bring a unique perspective to the organization. For more information or to find out how to become involved please contact:
The Portage and Area FASD Coalition exists to engage community partnerships through education and professional development; to recognized and help prevent FASD in Portage la Prairie and area; to work to support those impacted by FASD. They serve Portage la Prairie and surrounding areas and membership is open to all, whether representing a stakeholder organization, individual citizens at large, individuals with FASD, or family members of individuals with FASD. For more information or to find out how to become involved please contact:
The Winnipeg FASD Coalition, which formed in July 2020, is a membership based organization committed to raising awareness of FASD, promoting dignity and reducing stigma through education and sharing of resources. Membership is open to parents, caregivers, service providers and anyone with an interest in FASD who lives and/or works in Winnipeg. For more information on membership please contact Debbie Cielen,
Regional Coalitions
As the provincial FASD Coalition in Manitoba, we collaborate with community coalitions across the province to share best practices, raise awareness of FASD, and promote community based FASD awareness activities and events.
Interested in joining a coalition in your area? We’d love to have you! Contact information for each coalition is provided. No coalition in your area? Think about starting one. For more information click here.
Regional Coalitions across Manitoba:
Brandon and Area FASD Committee
The Brandon and Area FASD Committee is committed to providing education, promoting awareness about FASD, information sharing and supporting persons directly or indirectly affected by FASD. Committee values include respect, equality, non-judgemental, community and global responsibility, individual strengths and hope. The Committee hosts a number of events throughout the year including an annual celebration of International FASD Awareness Day, lunch and learn events, as well as conferences and workshops. Membership in the Committee is open to all persons from Brandon and surrounding areas who have an interest in FASD. For more information or to become a member, please contact Dean Werbiski,
Cross Lake
The Cross Lake FASD Coalition serves Cross Lake and surrounding area, raising awareness of FASD and supporting those directly or indirectly affected. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in FASD. The Chair of the Coalition is Linda McLeod-McDonald, For more information or to become a member please contact Linda using the email address noted above, or Aurelia McKay, Band/Health Care Worker,
Flin Flon FASD Committee
The Flin Flon FASD Committee is a community based organization made up of service providers, community members and caregivers working to raise awareness of FASD through support and education. We serve the Flin Flon, Creighton, Denare Beach and surrounding areas. Anyone interested in FASD can become a member. For more information or to find out how to become a member, please contact Heather Powell, Flin Flon Primary Care Centre,
Interlake FASD Coalition
The Interlake FASD Coalition members are committed to learning more about FASD and promoting positive awareness in our region. Our members share resources and information and are provided with regular capacity building opportunities. We support an annual educational event for our communities across the Interlake. We also intersect with other FASD agencies, service providers and FASD Coalitions within Manitoba.
Our membership is open to all citizens, colleagues, caregivers and service providers within the Interlake region that desire to gain FASD related knowledge and information. Our members meet five times a year in the city of Selkirk. We offer telecom services for those members to participate that are further North and during inclement weather. For more information on our coalition or to become a member, please contact our co-chair: Sherisse Picklyk Dear,, 353 Eveline Street, Selkirk, MB, R1A 1N1, Cell: (204)-485-0652 or co-chair Jola Hnatiuk, 204-904-7333.
Northeastman FASD Coalition
The Northeastman FASD Coalition was established in 2011 for the purpose of sharing information and resources with those who have an interest in FASD. They also provide some education and training. Membership is open to any adult that lives in the catchment area who has an interest in FASD. For more information or to become a member, please contact: Robin Lurie Sugden, Manitoba Key Worker, Public Health,
NorthFASD is a local community network of diverse individuals from multipole organizations committed to raising awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and is based in Thompson Manitoba. Membership is open to people living or working in Thompson who have an interest in FASD and are willing to support the work of the Coalition. For more information or to become a member please email
Norway House – information to follow
Southeast FASD Coalition
The Southeast FASD Coalition serves the southeast portion of the province and exists to bring people together who have an interest in learning about FASD; educate the public about FASD; and to provide a place where people can connect. Their main goal is to provide professional development/workshops to the general public, caregivers and service providers. Anyone with an interest in FASD can be a member. For more information or to become a member please contact Marijke Vonderbank, or Lisa Balcaen,
South Parkland FASD Collaborative
The vision of the South Parkland FASD Collaborative is to work together to share information, ideas and resources related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. The organization is based in Dauphin, Manitoba and serves the southern part of the Parkland Region. Membership includes people from local agencies that serve the FASD community, as well as community members with an interest in FASD. For more information or to find out how to become a member please contact Twyla Gilroy,
The Pas & Area FASD Committee
The Pas and Area FASD Committee exists to support to the FASD community in their area through sharing of information, training, educational opportunities and FASD events. As a group they plan and facilitate the International FASD Awareness Day celebration every September, which serves to provide education to the general community regarding FASD. Together the Committee focusses on attachment, addiction, social services, adoption and education. They are the ‘bridge’ or connection to the Manitoba FASD Coalition raising awareness of the needs of families in the north. Their membership includes parents, foster parents, service providers, agencies, teachers, Elders, youth and adults who have been diagnosed with FASD and members of the RCMP, who all bring a unique perspective to the organization. For more information or to find out how to become involved please contact:
Carie McIntosh, or check us out on Facebook
The Portage and Area FASD Coalition
The Portage and Area FASD Coalition exists to engage community partnerships through education and professional development; to recognized and help prevent FASD in Portage la Prairie and area; to work to support those impacted by FASD. They serve Portage la Prairie and surrounding areas and membership is open to all, whether representing a stakeholder organization, individual citizens at large, individuals with FASD, or family members of individuals with FASD. For more information or to find out how to become involved please contact:
Barry Rud, or check us out on Facebook at
The Winnipeg FASD Coalition
The Winnipeg FASD Coalition, which formed in July 2020, is a membership based organization committed to raising awareness of FASD, promoting dignity and reducing stigma through education and sharing of resources. Membership is open to parents, caregivers, service providers and anyone with an interest in FASD who lives and/or works in Winnipeg. For more information on membership please contact Debbie Cielen,