Families Facing COVID-19
The University of Calgary would like to hear about how families of children, youth, and adults with FASD are coping during these uncertain times!

Participation in this research study involves an online survey that takes 20-30 minutes to complete. You are eligible if you: 1) are a caregiver (parent or other legal guardian) of an individual with FASD, 2) live in Canada, 3) can read and write in English, and 4) have access to a device with internet connection. What we learn from this study will help us identify the current needs and priorities of families during the pandemic.
This study was approved by the University of Calgary’s Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board (REB20-0737). For questions about this study, please contact the study coordinator (enhancelab@ucalgary.ca, 403-441-8473) or the study’s principal investigator, Dr. Carly McMorris (camcmorr@ucalgary.ca, 403-220-5457)